(480) 656-7230

We are a spiritual center where people of any faith or no faith might come to reflect, question, discuss, listen, pray, meditate, sing, share and/or simply serve. It is an Arizona 501(C)(3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation.

Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda are the guardians of our Center and its ancient Vedic message, “Truth is one, sages call it by many names.” In reality, that Truth has no name and no form, but manifests in so many varieties of ways.

The mission of the Ramakrishna-Sarada Vedanta Center is to promote and follow the universal teachings and to provide spiritual resources and activities. The “Golden Rule” and the “Four Yogas” are at the very core of the teachings. The Center offers some regular weekly classes, special retreats, monthly programs and annual celebrations. It offers multifaith educational resources to the community at large.

The Ramakrishna-Sarada Vedanta Center of Phoenix is spiritually guided by Swami Sarvadevananda of the Vedanta Society of Southern Ca., Hollywood.

Pravrajika (Wandering Sister) Akhanda-prana is the resident monastic and coordinator of the Ashrama. Visiting Swamis, Pravrajikas and devotees come from time to time to share special retreats or programs. There is a broad network of Ramakrishna Vedanta work going on throughout the world, begun initially in India by the Ramakrishna Math and Mission at Belur Math, the Sarada Math and Mission at Dakshineswar and other devotee sponsored organizations.